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Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
I have played for 25 years and coached for the last 17 years--certified United States Professional Tennis Association Professional One--worked for Punahou Schools-voted the #1 Sports School in the United States, as a Program Supervisor, in charge of coaching the High Performance Players as well as coordinating programs for K-12 and Tennis Pro Education.

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Monday, July 7, 2008

Nadal's Natural Grand Slam

as seem on http://www.sportingnews.com/blog/hi10spro

You wouldn't think he would go up two sets to zero. You gotta admit that. Then, the irony is you want Nadal to win, but you want more tennis so you hope Roger takes the third. Then Nadal has match points in the fourth, and you can't believe he has the chance to win, but Roger does the Roger and takes it away. Rain delays, winds, and even a time warning on his serve, Nadal wins in five. In my mind, one of the best matches of my life to have ever watched. I need this dvd. Roger is a champion of champions, but barring an injury, Nadal is the new face of tennis.

Now the question is can he win the grand slam? I mean his toughest surface is grass. Why can't he do the same thing on hards now? US OPEN hardcourts aren't too crazy fast, just a true bounce. And on hardcourts, Feder has to watch out for the Djokvics, Lopezes, Gonzales, Nalbanians, etc. This could be the year of the Slam and what a great thing it would be for the Australian Open..


as seem on http://www.sportingnews.com/blog/hi10spro

You wouldn't think he would go up two sets to zero. You gotta admit that. Then, the irony is you want Nadal to win, but you want more tennis so you hope Roger takes the third. Then Nadal has match points in the fourth, and you can't believe he has the chance to win, but Roger does the Roger and takes it away. Rain delays, winds, and even a time warning on his serve, Nadal wins in five. In my mind, one of the best matches of my life to have ever watched. I need this dvd. Roger is a champion of champions, but barring an injury, Nadal is the new face of tennis.

Now the question is can he win the grand slam? I mean his toughest surface is grass. Why can't he do the same thing on hards now? US OPEN hardcourts aren't too crazy fast, just a true bounce. And on hardcourts, Feder has to watch out for the Djokvics, Lopezes, Gonzales, Nalbanians, etc. This could be the year of the Slam and what a great thing it would be for the Australian Open..

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