About Me

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Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
I have played for 25 years and coached for the last 17 years--certified United States Professional Tennis Association Professional One--worked for Punahou Schools-voted the #1 Sports School in the United States, as a Program Supervisor, in charge of coaching the High Performance Players as well as coordinating programs for K-12 and Tennis Pro Education.

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it will be sent via email to you and when we update it, we update your copy for one year. Nearly every page has clear diagrams and pictures to help with your understanding. Difficult topics have a video link for added understanding. Hawaii Tennis Pro Tennis for everyone. Covers mental toughness, match preparation, practice techniques to work on the shot and shot selections

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Update Hi10spro May 10, 2009 Racquets and Practice?!

Active rest is an oxymoron, but it's an important one as well as racquet choice.

pre match warm up

have a routine, that way you get the same results all the time

two on one Warm ups

The good thing about two on ones, is you get to hit balls to the corners as the one. The bad thing is when you're the two and you miss...that's lame.

Friday, May 29, 2009

two on one Warm ups

i actually despise two on one warm-ups, but it's great if you're the one. as the two, you can't miss, that's your job. don't miss, you're not even moving, and don't be a jerk and hit winners.

Practice Singles Match May 9, 2009

find someone that gives you a good match and is fair and fun to play also who never seems to remember the score if they won or lost.

Practice Singles Match May 9, 2009

find someone that gives you a good match and is fair and fun to play

Practice Singles Match May 9, 2009

another day another battle...tennis is a funny game, no matter that I have played for 25 years of my life... I still have to play or I suck.

Attack the BACKHAND like me

Be a user of a weapon against their weakness, now remember you will play lefties and some like their backhands

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Beat the Forehand to your Backhand Pattern

you have to learn this short angle counter shot

Doubles Practice Match May 7 2009

it's funny how easy it is to see what's going on when you video

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Friends warm up may 7 2009

my friends love the fact we video all the time :D

Live Ball May 7 2009

you want to use the live ball in the private lesson setting because that's real tennis

Serve and Volley Step One

serve and volley is by steps. can you do this first?

This is How you DO IT!

attack the middle... close the net together and move back together

How to Serve and Volley completely

this is how you serve and volley

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wake Me Up Jack Shot

HAHJAHAH keep them on their toes

Caught in No Man's Land

what are you going to do?

Back View Serves may 7 2009

you need the back view to see the contact and orientation

What would you do?

it's a question for a lot of people

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hi10spro May 7, 2009 Update


Right Stuff is? for doubles

this is my favored counter in doubles, nail it short angle, but it's hard to do

Practice match Singles May 2009

another day another battle

How to play two back formation

Remember this is only a returning formation and move up on the second serve

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Finish the Point with your SERVE

If you can use your serve effectively, your life just got a lot easier

Backhand Assessment April 2009 Third Lesson

I love showing students their progress as this is their third lesson

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Second Shot in the Serve and Volley

there are going to be second shots and you have to be ready for it

How to Volley Side View

keys to a volley

Mentally How to aim your serve

First you visualize, then you actualize

Loading? What's that?

It's physics, did you know that

Yours! Who gets what ball?

Doubles is about communication and knowing your roles

Attack the Backhand 2 and WHY

this is what happens to you when you don't follow the plan

Game Plan: Attack the Backhand

You must dedicate yourself to attacking one side of the opponent for 70% -80% of the time., and the other 20% you attack the court.

Plan to Serve and Volley Ad side

The ad side to the right haned player is the easier side to serve and volley

Netplay in Singles

take away one shot of the three, but note covering lob is always the last option.

Where to serve in Doubles Deuce side

we address deuce side points and break down where and why we play the way we play

Kick the Field Goal in Doubles

this is where you aim the shot in doubles to finish

Second shot in Doubles

what do you do for the second shot in doubles?

How to Volley Graphic

how to volley simply

Where to serve in doubles ad side

Have a plan, and I break down why

Box the Returner

When you serve, you're a pitcher so think like one--change location, speed, and spin.

The Magic Triangle

Where to hit your Backhand on the Ad in singles

You must have a plan before the serve comes

Zones Explained in Singles

it's about preselected shot...

Find the Weakness of the Grips

Every grip has inherent weaknesses in the grip.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

COVER the ball on the forehand

Can you feel the ball come off the forehand

Where to Serve in Singles

Do you have a plan when you serve, or do you just throw the ball up and pray it goes in?

Cover the Ball on the Backhand

this is something you have to be able to feel when you hit the ball

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How to put on a overgrip

this is tricky.

Private Games: Serve 1 Feed 4

I love this drill. You can do it in doubles too so that people learn how to adjust to different shots. The scoring could be whoever wins 3 out of 5 wins. and stays in... whoa I just made a new drill

how to improve your slice centrx137

working on your slice, I break it down

Lesson 15: Adding Weight to the Backhand Slo Mo

transfer weight into you ball


staple shot for any player

Side View: Two on one drill

always take a side view too

How to beat a Serve and Volleyer

sadly, even I lose points

Fixing a Serve

step by step

Serving in a Private Lesson

serve progressions

Hi10spro Update April 15, 2009

an update to discuss issues

What to do Before and AFter a groundstroke

do you do this?

How to hit the shot off the overhead

I think the best part is how i yell come on

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

6 Rules to Play By

this is simple and easy to implement

Private Game: First Ball

a fun game

Private Lessons: Progressions on the Forehand

the secret to teaching a beginner tennis

Second Private Lesson April 2009

i really like videoing my lessons to track improvement and see how the teaching goes

Backhand Lesson 14: Read the Slice or Drive

you have to be able to read the shot before it occurs

Tennis Demonstration: Forehands and Backhands

four years ago damn

Overheads: To Bounce or Not to Bounce. that is the question

i love to hit the ball off the bounce... It's just a serve that doesn't have to go in the box

Chip and Charge on the Backhand

Add this to your repertoire for doubles especially

8 ball drill

my awesome students

Textbook Doubles: Chip and Charge Forehand

this was done off a reflex

SloMO Serve and Forehand--What would you change?

just asking a question

Group Lesson: 1 vs 2

I like this drill...you get to work on a stroke while the other side works on a return of a live ball drill

Swing Plane on the Backhand

watch your plane of swing

Backhand Assessment April 2009

you got to take a look at your strokes all the time

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009

SloMo of an Awesome Serve

this is an awesome serve... well, it's my serve

Doubles Practice Match April 2009

good fun :D

Textbook Tennis Lesson 13: Using the Lob

surprisingly, people hardly lob. It can be really effective. even the threat of a lob will push people off the net

Textbook Tennis Lesson 13: Using the Lob

surprisingly, people hardly lob. It can be really effective. even the threat of a lob will push people off the net

Saturday, May 2, 2009

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Prem Tennis Center
#1 Choice for Tennis in Asia

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