About Me

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Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
I have played for 25 years and coached for the last 17 years--certified United States Professional Tennis Association Professional One--worked for Punahou Schools-voted the #1 Sports School in the United States, as a Program Supervisor, in charge of coaching the High Performance Players as well as coordinating programs for K-12 and Tennis Pro Education.

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Hawaii Tennis Pro presents SIMPLE TENNIS his How to Play Singles, How to Play Doubles, and The Tennis Book of Plays-- THREE Ebooks for only $19.99 plus 7% tax. 130 pages and counting. one year of free updates plus video links with simple explanations.

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it will be sent via email to you and when we update it, we update your copy for one year. Nearly every page has clear diagrams and pictures to help with your understanding. Difficult topics have a video link for added understanding. Hawaii Tennis Pro Tennis for everyone. Covers mental toughness, match preparation, practice techniques to work on the shot and shot selections

Friday, July 31, 2009

Textbook Doubles: Where to Hit the Ball and WHY

Doubles doesn't have a lot of decisions like singles, there are some, but most of the time, you're supposed to do certain things. here are some of the certain things

Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to Serve and Volley completely

You have to play position and then, after that, it's execution and a LACK of choices

Monday, July 27, 2009

Unwritten Rules: Retaliation

there are written rules and unwritten rules--there is a rule in tennis if someone hits you, you're supposed to hit them back if it was unnecessary. It's the brushback pitch in baseball, the flagrant foul on the other player in retaliation for the flagrant in basketball. it's sports

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Second Lesson on Volleys--Complete, Unabridged, and Un-edited

complete unabridge, un edited. this is my lesson on volleys--well, phase 2

Mental Process during the TIEBREAKER

here is a play by play, step by step, as I play the tiebreaker--Mentally.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Peter vs Me May 30 end

Another GREAT BATTLE...temperature 93, humidity 90% nah, it felt kind of cool, but adjusted it was like 101... AHHAHAH

Peter vs Me May 30, 2009 Second Set continued

Pete and I have great battles, it's awesome practice, and it's a fun match, win or lose

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sometimes just go for the Winner as the Percentage Shot

If you're so out of court, anything else is a loser shot

Monday, July 20, 2009

Know when to Attack and Defend

There is a time for attacking and for defending

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sneak in behind Mad Topspin Lobs

You want to do it occasionally to keep them honest and it's actually a really hard ball to get back so for them to get it low is nigh impossible

Short Angle Passing Shot is a Must HAVE

The beauty of this shot is the that it is not a hard shot in terms of pace, it's a finesse shot, and it's about angle of attack more than anything else. It's a shot you hit regardless of your opposition

Friday, July 17, 2009

NTRP 5.0 Singles: Peter vs Me May 30, 2009 First set

it's a very powerful thing to look at video when you play.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

CHemistry Students: the Chem site is www.acchemistry.blogspot.com

if you are here for your sample exam, it's at http://www.acchemistry.blogspot.com

Drop shot Approach into the wind

you have many options and sometimes you have to use the elements to your advantage

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Play the Wind, not the Wind plays you

There are strategic adjustments that you do to compensate for windy conditions, because try as you might to convince me, it is NOT only windy on your side of the court

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Textbook Doubles: All Four Players at the NET

It's going to happen and when it does , you have to have a plan or you are going to pop the ball up and die...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Chip and Charge the Middle of the Court

sometimes you have to attack the short middle of the court to cut down their angles and do the unexpected

Friday, July 10, 2009

Slow MOTION serves of pro women: Who's the Best One?

I like watching pro women play because they have nice technique and by copying their technical aspects, you can improve your own game BECAUSE copying Federer or Nadal or Roddick requires a special skill set and physiological gifts.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Put the Ball Away from Me

when you play good people, you have to finish away from them or it might come back and bite you

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Drop Shot Play

here's a good one, but can you pull it off.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Change the Momentum

sometimes you have to attack to get momentum back

Monday, July 6, 2009

Pocket the BALL for a better FOREHAND VOLLEY

because people ask, and this is how you hit an effective volley

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Counter Angle

this is a hard shot but a good one to have, because it's about angle of attack

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Communicate during the Point

I like to say things like "So what are you doing tomorrow? what did you think of that Transformers' movie... I'm joking. But you do need to say little things during the point.

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